The United Media Guild has proudly represented fast food organizers since the early days of the “Fight For 15” movement. Most recently we were the staff union for the (then) Mid-South Organizing Committee staffers in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Louisiana.
“Fight For 15” is the international movement of underpaid workers taking a stand against poverty wages. The activists we’ve represented have worked the front lines of that battle.
So the UMG is pleased to announced we now represent organizers coast to coast in the consolidated national fast food campaign.

Recently, UMG business representative Shannon Duffy and NewsGuild-CWA organizer Melinda Fiedler met with organizers in Washington D.C. and collected signed membership cards from a vast majority of them.
Then, on Nov. 29 the UMG was deemed to have majority status during a card check procedure, which is a simple and easy way for an employer and a union to determine if a majority of workers wish to be represented by a union. The card check was performed by a trusted third party neutral, Rabbi Susan Talve, in her office at the Central Reform Congregation in St. Louis.
Welcome aboard sisters and brothers!
Soon we will start bargaining their initial collective bargaining agreement with the National Fast Food Workers Union (an affiliate of SEIU).
This National Fast Food Workers Union (aka “Fight For 15”) unit joins Missouri Jobs With Justice and the Workers Interfaith Network of Memphis as social justice groups represented by the UMG.