UMG bargains financial gains for members at multiple units
August 22, 2019
The past year has been productive for the United Media Guild at the bargaining table. We gained first contracts at the Southern Illinoisan and for the "Fight for 15" fast food organizers employed nationally by SEIU. Since last summer we...
December 18, 2018
Companies that employ union and nonunion workers, work tirelessly to keep the two factions separated. The last thing they want is everyone hanging out together and their nonunion workers begin to think about organizing ("Hey Boss, how come the union...
KSDK-TV ratifies new three-year agreement
October 7, 2018
On September 28, at a noon bargaining unit meeting in conference room two at the KSDK Television Station, KSDK-TV Guild membership unanimously ratified a new three year agreement. As previously reported, there are few changes in the agreement. It includes...