Mediation nets contract at Labor Tribune

After nearly one year of bargaining, followed by three months of federal mediation and a strike authorization vote by Guild members, a new contract has been reached and ratified by Labor Tribune employees.


The contract runs three years from the date of signing and includes an increase to the pension plan, an increase in some advertising commission rates and settled several disputes that arose during the previous agreement.


An eleventh hour mediation session that included St. Louis Labor Council President Bob Soutier and St. Louis Building and Construction Trades Council President Jeff Aboussie, achieved the breakthrough needed to push this lengthy stalemate to a successful conclusion.  Federal Mediator Max Aud also played a key role in the final agreement and the Guild is appreciative of all of their efforts.  Following the bargaining session, the new contract was unanimously accepted by the membership, all of whom were in attendance at the mediation.